F1 Pharma accepted to the Life Science Cluster

On 23rd of March 2011 F1 Pharma has joined the group of Life Science Cluster partners.

The LifeScience Cluster in Cracow was established in 2006 as an initiative of companies and institutions from Małopolska region which were connected by the vision of development of innovative solutions in biotechnology, pharmacy, medicine, food manufacturing and other life science areas.  

Cluster members include companies from the areas of: biotechnology, pharmacy, medicine, food and environmental protection (BioF), universities – higher education institutions and other entities with educational profile (Edu), research and development institutes (B&R), hospitals and fundations connected to health protection (Zdrowie), consulting agencies and other entities from business support area (Biz) and finally local authorities (Gov).

The main aim of the Cluster is to improve the effectiveness of using the scientific as well as cultural and economic resources that are located in Cracow and the whole Małopolska region.   

Cooperation within the Cluster contributes to effective commercialization of scientific results and operative transfer of knowledge into practice.